Number Tracing Printables!
Do you ever look back on your first year of teaching and shudder? I remember when I would have my students complete number tracing worksheets that made them trace the number over and over and over again. Many of my kids would ask “Am I done yet?!
As a result, I made these fun and engaging tracing/writing number worksheets. At the top, the kids trace the number with a pencil. The next section, they write it themselves first with a crayon, then a marker, and last they “rainbow write” (Using crayons they follow the order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). Once the kids master rainbow writing, I’ll switch it up and tell them to “Backwards Rainbow Write” (purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red). They get a kick out of backwards rainbow writing! 😂
As a result, I made these fun and engaging tracing/writing number worksheets. At the top, the kids trace the number with a pencil. The next section, they write it themselves first with a crayon, then a marker, and last they “rainbow write” (Using crayons they follow the order of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple). Once the kids master rainbow writing, I’ll switch it up and tell them to “Backwards Rainbow Write” (purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red). They get a kick out of backwards rainbow writing! 😂

For kiddos who struggle to write the number themselves, we use a highlighter to write the number for them, then have them trace over the highlighter.