The Essential Back-to-School Teacher Checklist You Need for a Successful First Day
Hey there! I’m Katherine Barker, and today we’ll be discussing your essential back to school teacher checklist. This is a great resource for new teachers, those switching grade levels, or even veteran teachers who need a jump start after a relaxing summer break. Here’s a simple checklist to help you get ready for the first day of school.
The Essential Back-to-School Teacher Checklist You Need for a Successful First Day
1. Start with Your Planner
It can be tempting to jump straight into decorating your classroom, but it’s crucial to start with your planner. Plan out the first two weeks, focusing on rules and routines. This foundation will ensure a smooth start, even if your classroom isn’t fully decorated yet.
2. Prepare for Back to School Night
Whether you have a “Meet the Teacher” day or a back-to-school night, make sure you’re prepared. Plan activities to introduce yourself to your students and their parents, and ensure you’re ready to explain your classroom routines and expectations.
3. Arrange Your Classroom Furniture
Get your desks, teacher table, and other furniture set up. Think about the layout of your classroom and how you want it to function. Experiment with different arrangements to find what works best for you and your students.
4. Display Classroom Rules
Clearly display your classroom rules where students can see them. A visual schedule and classroom jobs chart can also help students understand the daily routine and their responsibilities.
5. Set Up Behavior Management Systems
Classroom management starts on day one. Having your behavior management systems in place will help prevent chaos and behavior issues. Make sure these systems are clear and ready to go from the start.
6. Label Everything
Create name tags and label supplies. This small task can be surprisingly satisfying and helps students feel welcomed and organized from the beginning.
7. Choose Classroom Decor
Pick a theme or color scheme for your classroom decor. This can make your room inviting and fun. Whether you choose a specific theme or just a few favorite colors, make your space bright and welcoming.
8. Plan Classroom Procedures
Break down classroom procedures into easy, step-by-step instructions. Teach students how to participate in activities like morning meetings, center rotations, and other daily routines.
9. Gather Teacher Supplies
Make sure you have all the supplies you need, such as Sharpies, pencils, pens, and flare pens. Having everything ready will help you feel prepared and organized.
10. Recap and Review
Go over this checklist to ensure you haven’t missed anything. Being well-prepared will set a positive tone for the school year and help you start off strong.
That’s all for now! I’ll see you in the next video. Until then, happy teaching!