Classroom Reveal!

I was able to make a few changes to my classroom this summer and after many countless hours and tireless help from the husband (thank you honey!) I am so excited to share some classroom photos!

The Library Corner that Owned My Soul This Summer

After changing my mind 100 times and fighting fiercely with the butcher paper, I was finally able to get up the little school house. Now I need to go lie down and take a nap. 😴

Classroom Library Books and Listening Center

I love these labels for our library books, it helps keep them organized and helps the kiddos practice responsibly putting the books back where they belong.

Library and Dramatic Play Area

Classroom Clip Chart

I love using the clip chart for classroom management. On top of getting treasure box and a smelly sticker when students get to the Pot of Gold, I also put a jewel on their clip. Once their clip is completely filled with jewels, (I do 6 jewels, one for each color of the rainbow) their clip “retires” and I give them a COLORED clothespin. The kids absolutely lose it when they get a colored clip, they LOVE it!

Carpet and Calendar Area 


I was so excited to make this little sign for our room! Our classroom motto is “Do your best and forget the rest.” It reminds both me and my students that we don’t need to compare ourselves to others, we just need to focus on doing our personal best!

 Click here to download your freebie!

Later Gators!

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