The 7 Worst Mistakes to Avoid When Managing Your Kindergarten Classroom
Hey there, teacher friend! As we all know, managing your kindergarten classroom can be a tricky business, but don’t worry – with a bit of planning and some common sense, you can avoid some of the most common pitfalls. Today, we’re going to take a look at the 7 worst mistakes to avoid when managing your kindergarten classroom.
Top 7 WORST mistakes when managing your kindergarten classroom
Mistake #1
Not having a plan: It’s essential to have a behavior plan/system in place for your classroom. Having a clear structure and routine helps keep your kiddos focused and engaged, and it also gives you a sense of control and direction. A behavior plan also sets clear expectations for students, and it’s even more powerful if it’s fueled by positive reinforcement.
Mistake #2
Being too rigid: Sometimes things might not work out exactly as we had hoped they would. If you have a behavior system that just doesn’t seem to be working for yourself and your students, be willing to switch it up. You don’t have to ditch the plan completely, often times you’ll have to make little tweaks here and there to get it just right. It’s also important to check-in throughout the year for a “tune up” for your behavior plan and decide if any changes need to be made (e.g., are my students still motivated by this, is this manageable for me, etc).
Mistake #3
Not setting clear boundaries: Our students need to know what’s expected of them, which means setting clear boundaries and enforcing them consistently. This means being loving but firm, and making sure you’re using positive reinforcement to your advantage (more on that later!)
Mistake #4
Not building relationships: Kindergarten is all about social and emotional development, and it’s important to build positive relationships with your students. It’s crucial that we take the time to get to know each child individually and find ways to connect with them on a personal level. This will make them want to work for you and not against you. Hint: This can be a game changer when it comes to managing challenging behaviors!
Mistake #5
Not being consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to classroom management. Enforcing the same rules and expectations every day, using your behavior plan daily, and not letting little things slide. This can be difficult when you’re tired or in a rush, but I promise it will make all the difference!
Mistake #6
Not using positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement makes the kinder world go-round! Positive reinforcement simply means having students work towards a reward, rather than avoiding a consequence. Studies show again and again the benefits of using positive reinforcement and the impact it has on student’s success. So we want to make sure we are using it frequently in our classrooms.
Mistake #7
Forgetting to have fun: Finally, don’t forget that teaching kindergarten is supposed to be fun! That’s why we went into in the first place, right?! While it’s important to have structure and routine, make sure you’re incorporating plenty of play, movement, and creativity as well. After all, happy students are engaged students!
Final Thoughts on Managing your Kindergarten Classroom
By avoiding these seven common mistakes, you can set yourself up for success when managing your kindergarten classroom. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow – both for you and your kiddos!
Want more on how to manage your kindergarten classroom?
Want to hear more about how to create a behavior plan that actually WORKS and transforms student behavior? Check out my post “The Ultimate Guide to Kindergarten Classroom Management.”
I truly appreciate all the great advice you gave in this post on what not to do in classroom management.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it!