10 Ideas for Your Classroom Calm Down Corner

Hey there teacher friend! Today I’m going to share with you 10 of my favorite ideas for your classroom calm down corner.

A calm-down corner is your haven of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the classroom. It’s a safe space where students can decompress and reset, and it’s particularly helpful when they’re struggling emotionally.

So, let’s dive into these 10 calm down corner ideas that will help transform your calm down corner into a powerful tool for nurturing emotional well-being!

10 Ideas For Your Classroom Calm-Down Corner

1. Comfy Cushions and Soft Blankets

Picture this: a fluffy pillow mountain and a stash of cozy stuffed animals waiting to embrace your stressed-out students. Creating a comfortable seating area is the foundation of your calm-down corner. These comfy layers will let kids sink into relaxation mode and start to feel at ease.

2. Soothing Sensory Items

Sensory items are a great way to help students bring their minds back to the present moment. Things like stress balls, fidget spinners, and squishy toys are all great sensory items. These squishy toys give kiddos something to focus on while their minds unwind. Some great ones can be found here on Amazon!

3. Mindfulness and Breathing Activities

One of the very first things that we need to address when a student is struggling emotionally is their breathing. Taking deep breaths in and out is key. “Smell the flowers, Blow out the candles” is a personal favorite of mine, or having your student place their hands on their bellies and fill their belly up like a “balloon” is also a great technique.

Including visuals of these types of breathing exercises can be particularly helpful to have in your calm-down corner.

4. Calming Jars or Bottles

Calming jars can be filled with glitter, confetti, beads, or really anything that can float! Students simply shake them up and watch the glitter dance and slowly settle. These jars are soothing and help bring students back to the present moment.

5. Personal Space Markers

Set the boundaries with a soft rug, colorful tape on the floor, or even some cushions. Personal space markers give kids a physical reminder that this is their space for recharging. It’s like giving them a little haven where they can escape the hustle and bustle of the classroom.

6. Feel-Good Books

Books have a magical way of transporting us to different worlds. Stock your calm-down corner with feel-good picture books that promote positive messages, empathy, and self-acceptance. Reading can be a wonderful escape for kids seeking solace.

7. Visualization Posters

Put up a few posters with simple imagery to help kids visualize peaceful scenarios. It could be a beach, a forest, or even a hot air balloon ride. Encourage them to close their eyes and mentally transport themselves to these serene places when they need a breather.

8. Artistic Outlets

For some kids, expressing themselves through art is the ultimate stress reliever. Supply your corner with coloring books, colored pencils, crayons, or a small whiteboard and markers. Art allows kids to pour out their emotions without using words.

9. Emotion Cards

One incredibly effective tool you can introduce in your classroom calm down corner is a set of emotion cards. Sometimes students become frustrated simply because they can’t put into words what they are feeling. Emotion cards can help with just that.

These cards should showcase a range of different emotions – from happiness and excitement to frustration and sadness. As students explore the range of feelings on the cards, they become better equipped to recognize their own emotions and those of their peers.

10. Calm Down Corner Playlist

Lastly, set the mood with a soothing playlist of gentle tunes. It could be instrumental music, nature sounds, or even guided meditation tracks. Let the music create a serene atmosphere that helps kids unwind and focus on their inner calm.

Final Thoughts on Ideas for Your Classroom Calm Down Corner

Creating a classroom calm down corner isn’t just about providing a physical space – it’s about fostering emotional intelligence and resilience in your students. With these must-haves, you’re not just setting up a corner; you’re setting up a safe space where young minds can learn to navigate their emotions and find peace.

Looking for more ideas on creating your classroom calm down corner?

Check out my post “How to Create a Calm Down Corner” where I give you a step-by-step plan on how to best set up your calm-down corner.

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