Ultimate Guide to Kindergarten Classroom Management

I may have said it a million times since the start of my teaching career- Managing a kindergarten classroom can be a bit like herding cats. Your students are filled with boundless energy, curious minds, and wild imaginations – all while still learning to follow the rules and behave appropriately in a classroom setting. This is why your classroom management strategy can either make it or break it. In this post, I’ll be showing you how to create a kindergarten classroom management plan that is fun, exciting, and UNFREAKINGSTOPPABLE.

Here’s a crazy fact, did you know that out of 228 variables that researchers studied, classroom management had the largest effect on student achievement? OUT OF 228 VARIABLES! WOW! That just further confirms that having a solid classroom management plan is key to a successful kindergarten experience for both you and your kiddos.

We’re going to explore the importance of: using positive reinforcement, behavior management systems, reward incentives, meaningful relationships, working with parents and families, and setting a positive classroom environment. This is the ULTIMATE guide to managing a kindergarten classroom, and we have a lot to cover, so let’s get started!

5 Key Pillars to Kindergarten Classroom Management

Behavior Management Systems

Behavior management systems are the BEST way to set up a classroom management strategy that rocks your kindergarten classroom. Systems help set up structure and routine for your students and they also set clear expectations for them.

The possibilities are endless for behavior management systems. Clip charts, organizers, tickets, desk pets, behavior buddies, punch cards, red choices & green choices, the list goes on and on. Just be sure to use a visual system as it helps your students be consistently reminded of the behavior plan. You’ll also want to place it in a location where you and your students can easily see it and can access it every day.

Clip Charts and Punch Cards can be used for behavior management systems

Positive Reinforcement – Celebrating Wins

Positive reinforcement is key to a well-managed and kind classroom. Focusing on rewarding good behavior, like giving praise or acknowledging effort, can help steer your students in the right direction, as well as build up their self-esteem. There are a TON of different ways you can use positive reinforcement in your classroom. You can do whole group chants and cheers, non verbal cues and celebrations, positive reward systems for both individual and group behavior, or even partnering with parents. Plus, it’s always fun to celebrate successes! So be sure throw some imaginary confetti in the air every time your students rock it!

Rewards- (the unspoken kindergarten classroom management secret)

Reward incentives are a fun and effective way to keep your students motivated and engaged in the classroom. There are many ways to reward your students, from simple things like stickers or fun classroom privileges, to more elaborate rewards like pizza parties or dress-up days. Reward incentives are also great because they encourage your students to work TOWARDS a goal, rather than avoid a punishment, and this has been shown to be highly effective.

Reward incentives are a fun and effective way to keep your students motivated and engaged in the classroom.

Meaningful Relationships

Building meaningful relationships with your students is vital to creating a positive learning environment. Taking the time to get to know your students, showing interest in their lives, and making time for one-on-one conversations can help build trust and respect between you and your students. This can help create a warm, supportive atmosphere where students feel comfortable and motivated to learn. Building meaningful relationships with the students that show challenging behavior is also the first step towards changing the behavior.

Partnering with Parents and Families

Working with parents is a fantastic way to create a positive classroom community. Sharing your behavior management systems and how you use positive reinforcement and rewards with families helps them feel involved and included in your classroom. You can also partner with parents when it comes to targeting specific student behavior. Allowing parents to volunteer in the classroom is another great way to build up that classroom community (plus getting some extra help is always nice!)

Final Thoughts on Kindergarten Classroom Management

When it comes to classroom management in the kindergarten setting, creating a positive classroom environment is key to both yours and your students’ success. The ultimate goal should be to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, one where your students feel safe and loved. When you blend a mixture of using a behavior management system, positive reinforcement, rewards, meaningful relationships, and partnering with parents, you create a classroom management plan that is UNSTOPPABLE.

Hi there! I’m Katherine, your new classroom management bestie! I love helping educators create a positive learning environment for all students. Click here to find out more!

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