How to Rock the First Day of Kindergarten

Hey there, friend! How’s the excitement level? I bet you can’t wait for that magical first day of kindergarten, right? It’s going to be a blast, and I’m here to share some super fun tips on how to make it THE BEST first day ever! Remember, we want the first day to be fun for the kids AND you too! So let’s dive in with a big smile and a whole lot of enthusiasm!

How to Rock the First Day of Kindergarten

All Smiles in the Welcome Zone:

The best way to kick off the first day is with lots of smiles! For many kiddos, kindergarten is their first school experience, so they may be shy, scared, or have separation anxiety.

The more welcoming you can be, the more it puts your students at ease.

Smiling also helps with any nerves you have (which happens every year for me!) So just remind yourself, big smiles!

“Bye-Bye Butterflies: Conquering Separation Anxiety

Speaking of nerves, you may have those students with severe separation anxiety (or as I like to say “runners”) Kiddos that try to run back to their families. There may be lots of tears and emotions from these students. These are the steps that I have found best help these kiddos:

1.) Calm them Down:

Get down on their level and make eye contact. Use a kind, empathetic voice, and tell them it’s going to be ok, and that you have some exciting things for them today. You can also use the smell the flowers, blow out the candles trick.

2.) Share the schedule:

Remember that fabulous day you planned out? Share it with this student! Tell them how fun it’s going to be. Say, “Oh my goodness, we are going to have SUCH a fun day! First, we’re going to start off with a story, then we’re going to play with these super cool blocks…. etc”

3.) Give them a job:

You can also offer a special job for this student. Say, “I REALLY need some help in the classroom, do you think you could be my helper today?” It can be something super simple, like helping you choose what story to read or helping to pass out first-day goody bags you made for the class.

Good Morning Dance Song:

Shake those sillies out and let loose with a kindergarten dance party! Whether it’s Dr. Jean’s “Hello Friend” or Jack Hartmann’s “A Beautiful Day” or The Learning Stations “Shake Your Sillies Out” Get your kiddos moving and shaking to help shake off any nerves and begin to have some fun!

Name Game Extravaganza:

Small girl of two years composes words from letters. Closeup

Who doesn’t love a good name game? Kick off the day with some exciting activities that involve learning each other’s names. Whether it’s a fun round of “Who Put the Cookie in the Cookie Jar” or “Hickety Pickety Bumblebee”, it’ll be a great way to get the day started.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work:

Another option is to plan some fun group activities that encourage teamwork. This can help kiddos start socializing and begin to make friends (which will make them want to come back to school the next day!)

Kindergarten Rules Made Cool:

Remember those classroom rules that you posted? Now is the time to go over them! Have your kiddos stand up and say the rules chorally with you. For example, “Rule Number 1: Raise Your Hand to Talk” Throw in some gestures to really help these rules stick. Go over them EVERY day. Eventually, you will just have to say, “Rule Number 1” and students respond by saying, “Raise Your Hand to Talk”. It’s a magical moment when that happens! 🦄

Classroom Adventure Tour:

Give them the grand tour of their new classroom. Show them all the different areas of the classroom (dramatic play, library, centers, calendar, etc) and all the fun they’ll be having.

This is where you can go over the schedule for the day; share how you’ll be doing centers, storytime, recess and snack time, dancing, and anything else you have planned. Don’t forget to hype it up, make it exciting and they’ll be excited!

*You will also want to share the rules for each area of the classroom “e.g., this is how we treat the library and how we put the books away when we are done looking at them” You may not have time for this on the first day, but be sure to plan it for the second day!*

Playful Exploration Stations:

Be sure to set up some exploration stations with different activities (this can even be your rotations/center time). You can do playdough, building blocks, coloring sheets, or even First-Day-of-School hats (my personal fav).

Snack Attack and Recess:

Let’s be honest, snacks are life! Show your students how they should eat during snack time (bottoms on the seat, throwing their trash away) and how to play at recess (including going over the playground rules).

If you are doing recess duty, keep an eye out for any students that are alone. Try to facilitate some friendships and encourage them to play with another student (pick a student that you see as more outgoing to help the shy ones out).

Magical Storytime:

Bring on the storytime magic! Delight your kiddos with captivating stories that ignite their imaginations and whisk them away on exciting adventures. Some of my favorite first day of school read-alouds are:

Our Class is a Family

On the First Day of Kindergarten

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten

Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes

Click Clack Quack to School

The King of Kindergarten

Celebrate Every Win:

Acknowledge and celebrate every little achievement, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement is the key to building your students’ confidence and making them feel like superstar learners!

If you see any student making a good choice or following the classroom rules, acknowledge them and share with the class what a great job they are doing. Do your best to praise different students throughout the day (rather than the same students over and over again).

Be sure to introduce your positive reinforcement behavior system to your students on the first day. Start using it right away, you’ll be amazed at how it begins to encourage your students and creates a positive learning environment!

Final Thoughts on the First Day of Kindergarten

And there you have it – the recipe for the BEST first day of kindergarten! Remember, it’s all about bringing the fun, being yourself, and creating a positive and exciting environment for your little learners.

So get ready to kick off the kindergarten adventure with a big smile, a heart full of joy, and a whole lot of fun! You’ve got this, kindergarten teachers – it’s going to be a spectacular day for everyone! 🌟

Looking for more ways to rock the first day of kindergarten?

Check out my latest post “Do’s and Don’ts for the First Day of Kindergarten

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